Marketing New Capabilities

Marketing New Capabilities

A leading orthopedic group was about to open a new urgent care center and knew they needed to quickly get the word out throughout the state. Our challenge was to generate wide-scale awareness about their expertise, services, and logistics to ensure that this center was known statewide and remained top of mind. 

We created a detailed strategy and integrated marketing approach which included television ads, radio, print, digital, sponsorships, social media, and billboards. Within weeks of opening, the center was operating at peak capacity.

Based on our success with marketing this center, we remained a dedicated marketing partner for many years, helping to increase visibility and profitability. We created a strong online presence, developed a new website, created professional company collateral, and created a robust digital and social media strategy. We coordinated all communication activities around the launch of a second urgent care center, and were also privileged to work with the executive team on all marketing surrounding the opening of a new state-of-the-art surgery center.

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We welcome the opportunity to discuss your communication needs. Please let us know how we can assist you. We offer a free Communication Audit to help you get started.